IUNVA Post 29 Carlow held a presentation ceremony of certificates for their Congo Veterans celebrating the 60th year since the last troops left the Congo in 1964

The ceremony was held at the Eire Og GAA Club House Carlow.

Certificates were presented to family members of those who served in the Congo but have since deceased and a number of living Congo Veterans

The Chairman Dan Carroll presented the certificates to the following on behalf of IUNVA Post 29 Carlow

Joe Dalton who was present to receive his certificate

Terry Byrne on behalf of Larry Ellard

Audrey Flemming on behalf of Timmy Flemming

Trish on behalf of Patsy Huff

Benny Mills on behalf of James Mills

Caroline Goggin & Elaine Lawlor on behalf of Michael Nolan (The Pipe)

Noel O’Leary on behalf of Patrick (Murt) O’Leary

Margo Doyle on behalf of Jim Slattery

Our Secretary John Kelly presented certificates at the Homes of Brian Byrne and Michael Nolan.  Thanks to John on arranging this after the  ceremony

A special thanks to all of IUNVA Post 29 Carlow Veterans who contributed to the organisation and success of the ceremony.  Thanks to the families who turned up and thanks to Tom Noctor and all the staff of Eire Og GAA who served the refreshments

The following photos are of the presentation